The Big Picture

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Have you ever put a puzzle together only to find later that a few pieces that you were adamant, “went there,” didn’t?  If yes, did you notice that once you moved one of those pieces out of the temporary spot, many other pieces just fell into place and you were able to continue to build your masterpiece? That is until you came across another piece that needed to be moved to its proper place, and so on and so on until the picture is complete… 

I used this analogy four and a half years ago when I was faced with a difficult decision. It was time to remove a “piece” that held space in my life for almost 20 years, despite believing it was supposed to be there until the end. The piece I removed to preserve my peace was leaving my position as the Chief Dispatcher of the Rochester Communications Center. When I realized that piece no longer belonged there, I carefully moved it to where it belonged, continuing on to complete the big picture.  

The team behind the mission to save lives

The team behind the mission to save lives

In October 2016, I became the Public Safety Community Engagement Manager at RapidSOS. During these last 4 years, I have worked with truly dedicated people that have one mission in mind – to help save lives and property. In my first year and a half with RapidSOS I traveled thousands of miles across the US, meeting hundreds of amazing 9-1-1 professionals, teaching them about the future of 9-1-1 mobile call locations. At the time, I did not know that my mission to help find the caller was really rooted in my passion to protect the telecommunicator from that helpless and hopeless feeling I knew all too well – the feeling when I could not find someone, or when I did and it was too late. Those types of feelings took a toll on me and my mental health, and I wanted more than anything to help change the narrative for both the emergency caller and the hero under the headset. 


Thousands of miles traveled

In less than 2 years, RapidSOS was able to deliver the technology we promised and then some. Over the last 4 years, my 9-1-1 family network continued to grow and strengthen. The heroes in headsets took me in as one of their own and trusted me, and I will forever be grateful. With the unwavering support of RapidSOS, I was able to not only support PSAP technology needs, but also the mental health and wellness needs of the first, first responders. 

Another Piece to the Puzzle

 Recently I found another piece of the puzzle that was worth looking at a little closer – a piece that had been neglected but was still connected to the big picture. So I decided to start working on this section – a section I knew had to be completed or the big picture would not be; a section I knew would be challenging at times to complete, but so worth it in the end! 

On December 18, 2020, I will work my last day full time at RapidSOS. While I truly love what I do every day, what we have accomplished for public safety, and what RapidSOS will continue to do, I am being called to live my true passion and mission to teach, consult for, and support my 9-1-1 family in the areas of mental health, wellness, and leadership. After being diagnosed with PTSD in 2016, I have spent hundreds of hours in many different types of therapy, personal coaching sessions, and seeking tools for my own mental health toolbox to assist in my own PTSD recovery, and I have been extremely successful with those efforts. Now, I feel the need to make sure the folks on the frontlines have the knowledge and access to tools that can make every experience and relationship better. 

While there is a lot I do not know about embarking on this next chapter, what I do know is I am “wicked excited” about the opportunity to further reach and connect with public safety professionals.

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Growing On Scene First

My brand/podcast, “On Scene First with Tracy Eldridge” will be growing in a way I could have never imagined. RapidSOS will continue to support me as the premier sponsor and I will still contribute to their important work as a consultant for the unbelievable things that are on the horizon, how cool is that? 

Consulting, Classes, and Workshops

I have devoted hundreds of hours to my PTSD recovery, which includes various types of therapy, mental health workshops, and leadership training. As a certified trainer in DISC Assessment and Leadership, I will be teaching a variety of my own mental health, wellness, and leadership classes and workshops. In addition, I will also be providing public safety personnel assessment and leadership consulting to help first responders have a better understanding of what motivates and demotivates their staff, and how to use this valuable information to better relationships and morale in their department.

Teaching with The Public Safety Group

As many of you know, I have a passion for sharing important knowledge with public safety in a classroom setting. For those who may not know, I have been an Instructor with The Public Safety Group for almost 10 years and I am thrilled to be able to contribute more in this area. In addition to teaching in-person/online classes, and writing training articles for When Seconds Count, monthly in-service training, I will also be a contributor to our new “Training on Demand” platform and launching a new class in early 2021 called, “When High Profile Calls Have Higher Impacts.”  This session will examine the events of several high profile 9-1-1 calls, including Kari Hunt and Kari’s law, Kyle Plush and Shanell Anderson’s calls, and more. We will also discuss examples of telecommunicators who have used out-of-the-box thinking to overcome challenges and obstacles which allowed for positive outcomes. 

Thank You!

I would like to thank each and every person that has supported me, cheered me on, and helped me believe in myself in this process. For a while, after I left the 9-1-1 center, I struggled with no longer being a link in the public safety chain of survival for those calling for help. It did not take long, however, to realize that by being given the chance to take part in the revolutionary work at RapidSOS and the opportunity to help grow a network of advocacy for mental health and wellness for public safety, that while I may not be able to save lives FROM the seat anymore, I sure can and will try to save the ones IN them! I look forward to being able to continue to provide much-needed education and consulting services to help public safety be the best they can be every day and make sure they are better equipped tosave lives on both sides of the call.”  

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Stay Safe, Stay Strong, Stay Here. We Need You! 

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9-1-1, Where is the Location of your Dispatchers?